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Dealing with the Feds

Forums Getting Out of Jail Dealing with the Feds

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  • Is there anyone that has dealt with and won a case in Federal court? We are dealing with a corrupt fed attorney & judges that have done so many dirty things. Here are a few, but keep in mind I have a box full of what she’s & they have done, and this is Just to my husband:

    1) Ordered CO’s & CERT team to brutally assault my husband for his and my conversation.
    2) Has ordered the denial of medical so he still sits in prison as an innocent man with internal injuries and broken bones
    3) Has coerced a Federal Marshal to file a false affidavit for a warrant 15-1/2 months after they stole property, data dumped, took intimate photos and shared them with everyone, and had a magistrate judges office sign off on it.
    4) She along with her cohort a magistrate judge have placed my husband in a High Security Prison, as an innocent man, and have moved him, as of now 14 times, for a mental eval for firing his attorney and exercising his rights by refusing to contract with them.
    5) She falsified, or in their legalese submitted colorable information, to get an indictment.
    6) She has perjured herself on and for the record on at least 3 occasions that we have record of!
    7) She holds off indictments or informations until after defendant is about to be released from probation or SRT Violation service. She does this to further punish and obtain other bonds.

    Well, that should be enough to start😏
    Oh, and I, our children, twin grandbabies, his parents, have not been able to see him, visit him, touch him ANYTHING IN 18 MONTHS😭

    You can follow some of our story on @saveourpawpaw on TikTok.

    Any help would be appreciated most greatly 🙏🏼🙏🏼

    Damn Sue, this sounds crazy. This sounds like your dealing with criminal cartel or something. I would have to find a constitutional lawyer. not an attorney. this sounds like its far surpasses a damn traffic citation. What state are you in?

    Yes, it definitely surpasses anything and everything lawful or legal. We’re in the corrupt a** Southern District of Alabama






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